Product Information Request

If you would like information on one of the products featured in Dr. Toy's Guide, and a toll free number is not available (for example: if you are outside of the USA.) you can use this form.
This request will be forwarded to the companies directly.

Note: You must press the submit button at the bottom of this page, Your query will be sent to the company. Ultimately you should hear from them.

Which product are you interested in?

From which company?

What I am interested in is: (Select one)

What is your name?

What is your international mailing address?

Email address:

Telephone number (including country code if neccessary):

Gender of Child:
Male Female

Age Range:

I learned about drtoy in the following way:

Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service

If you press the submit button below, your query will be sent by drtoy to the company, and you will hear from them. If you do not hear anything within 30 days please get in touch with Dr. Toy again. Thanks.

If you are not on a forms capable browser, or if you have other suggestions for Dr. Toy,
write to: , 268 Bush St., San Francisco, CA 94104;
e-mail to:
or call us at- 1-800-551-8697 (TOYS) - (415) 864-1169 in the Bay Area, or send a fax (510-540-0171).

(c) l995, 1996 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.

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